Treat Paine Metcalf

From the blog

MongoDB Atlas, And Why I’m Blogging

I don’t expect anyone to really read this. I currently have virtually no traffic to my blog (or site), but I would like to document my progress on Gang War if for no one other than myself. If, somehow, the game takes off, it would be nice to look back[…]

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Restarting SocketShot Development

I’ll be honest. I initially started developing SocketShot in order to escape my old job in tech support and land a gig as a legit software engineer. In Nov 2017, I used SocketShot as a portfolio piece when interviewing for positions, and upon displaying the game to my first choice[…]

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About Me

I’ve been a software engineer since I was in middle school when I began programming video games in Visual Basic. I’m obsessed with the junction between technical potential and human experience. Another way to say this: the junction where art meets science, or research meets application. This is the essence of engineering. The[…]

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PHP Development

Case Management Tool for Product Support In addition to my normal responsibilities at Lexmark Enterprise Software as a Development Sup Professional, I’ve volunteered to help with an internal tool widely used by the department for managing Cases. This tool is programmed in PHP, and uses SQL to interface with our ticketing[…]

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Database Dictionary – Philosopher’s Stone

The Philosopher’s Stone is a database tool I created while working in Advanced Support at Perceptive Software. I began the project after discovering a lack of in-depth knowledge and documentation regarding the database of the software we were supporting (Perceptive Content, a.k.a. ImageNow), and how this was negatively affecting the department’s overall time to resolution[…]

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While working in Advanced Support at Perceptive Software, two of my colleagues and I came up with the idea to “gamify” the activities performed by employees in support roles. This involved parsing data from our ticketing system and other places, and providing motivation to “players”(employees) for certain behaviors by creating objectives, experience points, achievements, visible progress,[…]

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Environment Validator – C# Application

Environment Validator is a troubleshooting application that I created for Lexmark Enterprise Software’s Support Department. It is programmed entirely in C#, and analyzes numerous elements of the installed Enterprise Content Management system, and also makes sure that other systems, such as the SQL Database Server and LDAP Authentication Server, are integrated correctly.[…]

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Videobook: Why Evolution is True I came up with the idea for the “Videobook” after reading the book Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne, and realizing that for much of the book I found myself struggling to visualize the concepts and animals that the author was talking about. Simply reading about shape-shifting[…]

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Happy Flutter Friends (2010) In a universe where deadly plasma, black holes, and giant cyclops monsters permeate all of space, there exists a species of spherical creatures who have but two objectives in life: survive and get as many gems as possible. Play with up to 3 players on a single[…]

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Spacex or Bust!

How Hard can it be to get a job at a rocket company? This blog will cover the steps I take to getting my portfolio ready for applying at SpaceX.

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