Treat Paine Metcalf

Environment Validator – C# Application

Environment Validator is a troubleshooting application that I created for Lexmark Enterprise Software’s Support Department. It is programmed entirely in C#, and analyzes numerous elements of the installed Enterprise Content Management system, and also makes sure that other systems, such as the SQL Database Server and LDAP Authentication Server, are integrated correctly. This was a project I personally came up with and developed, and was done in addition to my position’s normal responsibilities.

Here is the user interface, along with a few of the things it checks:

Environment Validator instantly checks over 100 different potential points of failure, and will tell you specifically what failed, and any possible reasons for the failure. This makes it an invaluable tool for combating system-down/authentication issues which are the most critical issues we see. The tool has been released to the entire Support Department, and is widely used.

With some modification, this tool can be used to troubleshoot any server-side software that relies on a database connection or LDAP authentication. (Due to this being a Lexmark internal tool, the source code is not available)

More screenshots: