Treat Paine Metcalf


While working in Advanced Support at Perceptive Software, two of my colleagues and I came up with the idea to “gamify” the activities performed by employees in support roles. This involved parsing data from our ticketing system and other places, and providing motivation to “players”(employees) for certain behaviors by creating objectives, experience points, achievements, visible progress, and statistical analysis. Essentially, the goal was to transform the work day into a game.

I was the lead designer, of both the interface and the underlying SQL database. Here is what the interface for the beta looked like:


Currently, there are more than 60 job-related activities identified for gamification, and you can see a full list of them below. The amount of points earned for each behavior or action is directly proportional to the value provided to the company’s goals. These values can also be modified at any time, giving management the ability to promote specific employee behaviors at specific times as needed.



Unfortunately, the project received enough positive attention that certain members of management wanted to take direct control, and are outsourcing the rest of development to a third party company.  We may be able to continue the project if the third party solution does not pan out, but for now I am not involved in development.