Treat Paine Metcalf

PHP Development

Case Management Tool for Product Support

In addition to my normal responsibilities at Lexmark Enterprise Software as a Development Sup Professional, I’ve volunteered to help with an internal tool widely used by the department for managing Cases. This tool is programmed in PHP, and uses SQL to interface with our ticketing system’s database.  The tool was initially developed out of the need for an “at a glance” overview of the details and status of each case that an Engineer was responsible for, and we are able to continue updating the tool in response to  employee feedback. I have been responsible for optimizing the layout of the tool’s interface.



Since this is an internal tool that I don’t own, I cannot post the source code for the project.

Another example of my PHP experience is my involvement in the founding and development of Whimming, the event search engine. I was the Chief Technology Officer for Whimming, and coded all PHP on the site prior to hiring on another developer. For more information on Whimming, and my involvement in that project, please visit Whimming’s website: Whimming is not currently active.



And, of course, the website you’re on right now is an example of my use of PHP! I coded much of the site’s header, footer, and frontpage slideshow in PHP.
